Bellingham Athletic Club


Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke, demonstrates how to do core exercises at home.

Prone Airplanes

Lie on the floor on your abdomen with your arms at 45 degrees at your side with palms down. Place your nose on the floor with your legs straight back. Perform the Airplane motion by lifting your nose, chest, shoulders, and arms off the floor. As you reach the top of your range of motion rotate your thumbs back toward your glutes. You should look like an Airplane with your wings swept back. Hold and then return to the floor rotating the thumbs back, placing the palms on the floor along with your chest, shoulders, and nose.

Alternating Supermans

Lie down on the floor on your abdomen with your arms extended forward and your legs back. Your nose should be on the floor aligning your body from head to toe. Begin the motion by pressing down into the floor with your right arm and left leg as you lift your left arm, right leg, head, shoulders, and chest off the floor. Pause and return back to the floor and repeat the same motion on the other side. It is important to maintain the line of the body as you lift off the floor. Leg should be straight with the toe pointed and the arm is extended with the thumb up.

Dumbbell Split Stance

Pick up a dumbbell and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with your left leg into a split stance position. Maintain the shoulder-width distance between both feet. Grasp the dumbbell with both hands at your right hip. Slightly flex your knees as you lift the dumbbell up diagonally across the body toward your left shoulder. Rotating your torso from right to left. Perform for the prescribed number of reps and then repeat on the opposite side.

Kettlebell Lift-Up Split Stance

Pick up a dumbbell and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with your left leg into a split stance position. Maintain the shoulder-width distance between both feet. Grasp the kettlebell with both hands at your right hip. Slightly flex your knees as you lift the kettlebell up diagonally across the body toward your left shoulder. Rotating your torso from right to left. Perform for the prescribed number of reps and then repeat on the opposite side.

Stability Ball Hip Thrust

Sit down on a stability ball with your feet about hip-width apart. Roll forward so that your hips are off the floor so that the only thing on the ball is your head and shoulders. Your body should form a tabletop. Slowly drop your hips toward the floor bending only at the hips. Press through the floor with both feet as you squeeze the glutes extending the hips back up into a tabletop position. For added intensity, you may add a weighted object on to the hips (barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine ball, sandbag, or weight plate).


Stability Ball Lateral T Roll

Sit down on a stability ball with your feet about hip-width apart. Roll forward so that your hips are off the floor so that the only thing on the ball is your head and shoulders. Your body should form a tabletop. Extend your arms straight out from your sides forming a “T”. Slowly roll to your left while maintaining the tabletop position. Your left shoulder will come off the ball but try to maintain position. Roll back the other direction to the right. Repeat back and forth for the prescribed number of reps or time.

Stability Ball Thoracic Rotations

Sit down on a stability ball with your feet about hip-width apart. Roll forward so that your hips are off the floor so that the only thing on the ball is your head and shoulders. Your body should form a tabletop. Extend both arms above your chest with your palms together. Be the motion by rotating your shoulders and arms to the left while maintaining the tabletop position. Reverse directions back to start and then rotate the shoulders and arms to the right. Repeat back and forth for the prescribed number of reps or time.

Warm Up

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke, demonstrates how to do Warm Up at home.

Marching in Place

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with upright posture. Begin by lifting the foot of one leg and then alternating with the other leg in a marching movement. Lifting the feet and knees as you swing the arms by your sides. The faster you swing the arms the faster the legs will march.

Marching Forward

With your feet shoulder-width apart and your body held in an upright posture, begin a marching movement. Lifting the toes and knees while you swing your arms. March 4-steps forward and then
4-steps backward. Your arms will set the tempo for your legs. Slower arm swing, slower leg movement. Faster arm swing, faster leg movement.

Frog March

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with upright posture. Begin by lifting the foot of one leg and then alternating with the other leg in a marching movement. But unlike a March in place instead of bringing the knees in front of the body, you will lift them out to the side while you swing your arms back and forth. Faster arm swing, the faster the legs will move, making it more vigorous.

Lateral March

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in an upright posture. Begin marching in place lifting the toes and knees while swinging the arms by your sides. Move to the left while marching for 4-steps and then reverse directions to the right for 4-steps. Alternate left and right.

Single Leg Balance

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in an upright posture. While shifting your weight to your left foot and flexing your left knee, lift the right foot off the ground and extend the leg out in front of the body and hold (position 1). Come back to start and repeat the movement but this time instead of reaching the foot out in front of the body reach the foot out to the side
(position 2). Come back to start and repeat the movement but this time reach the foot and leg back behind the body, hold and then return to start (position 3). Repeat the movement but for the final position (position 4) reach the foot and the leg across the body and then hold. Return to start and repeat on the opposite leg. The goal is to maintain balance on the foot while trying not to touch the ground with the elevated foot.

Rocking Quadrupled

Position yourself on the floor in a quadrupled position (hands and knees). Wrists should be under shoulders, knees under hips, feet flexed, with the head in alignment with the shoulders. Begin the motion by rocking the hips back toward the heels. This can be a shallow or shortened range of motion to start and then as your hips loosen you can increase the range. Reverse directions rocking back toward your shoulders passing over the hands. Repeat rocking back and forth.

Rocking Diagnal

Position yourself on the floor in a quadrupled position (hands and knees). Wrists should be under shoulders, knees under hips, feet flexed, with the head in alignment with the shoulders. Begin the motion by rocking diagonally toward your right heel and then reverse directions rocking diagonally back toward your left shoulder. You can perform all your repetitions on one side and then switch to the other or if you wish you can alternate sides left and right.

Rocking Circles

Position yourself on the floor in a quadrupled position (hands and knees). Wrists should be under shoulders, knees under hips, feet flexed, with the head in alignment with the shoulders. Begin by circling the shoulders and hips in a circular clockwise direction. After the prescribed number of reps or time reverse directions and circle counter-clockwise. Try to maintain your head to hip alignment during the entire motion.

Rocking Adductors

Position yourself on the floor in a quadrupled position (hands and knees). Wrists should be under shoulders, knees under hips, feet flexed, with the head in alignment with the shoulders. Reach one leg out to the side with the sole of the foot on the ground. Begin by rocking the hips backward until you feel a gentle stretch in the adductors. Reverse directions back to the starting position. Continue rocking back and forth gradually increasing the range of motion. Perform for the prescribed number of reps or time and then repeat on the opposite side.

Stability Ball Core

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke demonstrates how to do the Stability Ball exercises at home.


Kneel down on the floor in a “tall kneel” position behind a stability ball. You can use a towel, pad, mat, or pillow to protect your knees. Roll the ball away with your forearms on top of the ball until you are able to achieve a plank position on your knees. Head should be up with shoulders back. Elbows under shoulders, maintaining a neutral position (straight line from ears through shoulders, hips, and knees). Hold for the prescribed duration.

Modified Position:
Kneel down on the floor in a “tall kneel” position behind a stability ball. You can use a towel, pad, mat, or pillow to protect your knees. Roll the ball away with your forearms on top of the ball until you are able to achieve a plank position on your knees. Head should be up with shoulders back. Elbows under shoulders, maintaining a neutral position (straight line from ears through shoulders, hips, and knees). Hold for the prescribed duration.


Kneel down on the floor in a “tall kneel” position behind a stability ball. You can use a towel, pad, mat, or pillow to protect your knees. Place the ball close to your thighs with the palms of your hands on top of the ball. Using your hands with your arms straight roll the ball away from you. Maintain your posture as you lower your body toward the floor. Only go as far as you can control your posture. Pull your body back to the starting position still maintaining body alignment. Repeat for prescribed repetitions.

Push Ups – Modified

Kneel down on the floor in a “tall kneel” position behind a stability ball. You can use a towel, pad, mat, or pillow to protect your knees. Place your hands on either side of the ball and roll it forward until you are in a modified plank position. Head over shoulders, shoulders over hips. Maintain this position as you lower your body down toward the ball. Lightly touch your chest to the ball and press your body back to start. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.

Stability Ball Mobility

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke demonstrates how to do the Stability Ball exercises at home.

Pelvic Tilts

Sit down on a Stability Ball with your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Head up and shoulders back while maintaining a tall neutral upright posture. Using your “sits bones” pull the ball forward tilting your pelvis backward and then pull the ball backward tilting your pelvis forward. Your knees and upper body should remain still while tilting the pelvis back and forth.

Pelvic Hip Hikes

Sit down on a Stability Ball with your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Head up and shoulders back while maintaining a tall neutral upright posture. Using your “sits bones” pull and shift the ball to the left, hiking it up. Pull and shift the ball to the right, hiking it up. Waggle the hips back and forth left and right while you keep your knees and upper body still.

Pelvic Hip Circles

Sit down on a Stability Ball with your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Head up and shoulders back while maintaining a tall neutral upright posture. Using your “sits bones” pull the ball to the left drawing a circle in a clockwise motion. The knees and upper body should remain still while you circle the hips. Repeat the same motion to the right making circles with hips in a counter-clockwise motion.
Posterior View:

Anterior View:

Hip Bounce

Sit down on a Stability Ball with your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Head up and shoulders back while maintaining a tall neutral upright posture. Feeling your “Sits Bones” on top of the ball begin bouncing up and down through the top of the ball while maintaining an upright posture. Start with little bounces and then progress to larger bounces while maintaining an upright body posture.

Seated March

Sit down on a Stability Ball with your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Head up and shoulders back while maintaining a tall neutral upright posture. Feeling your “Sits Bones” on top of the ball begin lifting your feet and knees up and down in a marching motion. Your arms are bent to 90 degrees and swing at your sides. Maintain your upright posture as you march. As in a normal marching motion the faster you swing the arms the faster your legs will move. Start at a slow to moderate pace and then increase the speed to elevate heart rate. As a variation, you can walk your feet out to the side in a “Frog March” and then work them back into the starting position.

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.

Activtrax at Home

For those of you who are Activtrax users, I want to remind you that you still have access to your account from home. Too gain access, follow these steps to access your account:

1. Press here to go to ActivTrax website.

2. In the box provided type in your Activtrax username and password.

3. Select which BAC facility you normally use Activtrax in the box provided.

4. When your Activtrax Dashboard appears go to the top of the page and click on the tab entitled Workouts. A workout calendar should appear with your pending and completed workouts listed on the calendar. At the top of the calendar are 3 tabs: Print Pending Workout, Enter Pending Workout, and Exercise Instructions.

5. If you wish to print your Pending Workout or view your Pending Workout click on the tab. If you wish to Enter Pending Workout click on that tab. If you would like to view video instructions of the exercises on your workout click on Exercise Instructions.

6. Many of you use the weight equipment at both clubs which you, unfortunately, do not have access to at this time, but we can reconfigure your workout preference settings if you wish. Just let us know if you would like to do that and we can reset your workout preference to use bodyweight and dumbbells instead of machines for workouts.

7. Remember the added exercise instruction feature that has videos of almost every exercise Activtrax provides.

8. If you have any questions you can email Mike at

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.

Bridge with Glide Disc

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke works with Sean to demonstrate how to do the Bridge with Glide Disc at home.

Equipment – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate or Glide Disc Slider to use on hands and feet

1-Foot Curl – Level 2

Lie on the floor on your back and your knees bent with both feet flat on the floor. Elevate the hips with 1-foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment extend the leg forward then reverse direction pulling the heel back toward the hip in alignment with the support leg.

1-Foot Abductor – Level 2

Lie on the floor on your back and your knees bent with both feet flat on the floor. Elevate the hips with 1-foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment extend the leg forward.With the foot flexed and held in neutral position scissor the leg out to the side keeping the leg straight. Return to start then curl the heel back toward the hip. Extend leg forward and repeat the motion.

1-Foot Scissors – Level 2

Lie on the floor on your back and your knees bent with both feet flat on the floor. Elevate the hips with 1-foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment extend the leg forward. With the foot flexed and held in neutral position scissor the leg out to the side keeping the leg straight. Return leg back to the starting position.

Alternating Curls – Level 3

Lie on the floor on your back and your knees bent with both feet flat on the floor. Elevate the hips with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment, extend 1-leg forward then reverse direction pulling the heel back toward the hip. Alternate back and forth with each leg.

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.

Corpse with Glide Disc

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke works with Sean to demonstrate how to do the Corpse with Glide Disc at home.

Equipment – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate or Glide Disc Slider to use on hands and feet

Backward Plank Alternating Scissors – Level 3

Lie on your back in corpse position with each foot on a disc. Elevate the hips off the ground. While maintaining alignment alternate scissoring one leg to the side and back then the other leg.

Plank 2-Foot Scissors – Level 3

Lie on your back in corpse position with each foot on a disc. Elevate the hips off the ground. While maintaining aligned position scissor both legs out simultaneously and return them to start.

2-Foot Curls – Level 3

Lie on your back in corpse position with each foot on a disc. Elevate the hips off the ground. While maintaining alignment curl both heels toward your hips and then extend both legs back to start.

1-Foot Curls – Level 1

Lie on your back in corpse position with 1-foot on a disc. Keeping the foot flexed pull the heel toward the hip and then extend the leg back to start.

1-Foot Scissor – Level 1

Lie on your back in corpse position with 1-foot on a disc. With the foot flexed and leg straight scissor your leg out to the side. Maintain a straight leg thru the motion with the foot in neutral position. Return the leg back to starting position.

Plank 1-Foot Curls – Level 2

Lie on your back in corpse position with 1-foot on a disc. Elevate the hips off the ground. While maintaining aligned position with a flexed foot curl the heel toward the hip and then extend the leg back to the starting position.

Plank 1-Foot Scissor – Level 2

Lie on your back in corpse position with 1-foot on a disc. Elevate the hips off the ground. While maintaining alignment with the foot flexed scissor 1-leg out to the side keeping the leg straight. Return the leg back to the starting position.

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.

Lunge with Glide Disc

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke works with Alexa to demonstrate how to do the Lunge with Glide Disc at home.

Equipment – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate or Glide Disc Slider to use on hands and feet

Diagonal Forward Lunge – Level 2

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and 1-foot on a disc. If you use the left foot you will lunge forward to 10 o’clock position whereas if you use the right foot you will lunge forward to the 2 o’clock position. Maintaining an upright posture diagonally slide the foot forward into a lunge position with the front thigh going to parallel with the knee behind the toes and the back leg bending to 90 degrees. Slide the foot back toward the starting position. Repeat on the opposite leg.

Backward Lunge – Level 2

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and 1-foot on a disc. While maintaining an upright posture, reach the disc leg backward lowering the body down toward the floor. Support leg thigh should be parallel to the floor and the knee should be behind the toes of the foot. Back knee bends to 90 degrees. Press the support leg while pulling the disc leg back underneath you to the standing position. Repeat motion on the other leg.

Curtsey Lunge – Level 3

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and 1-foot on a disc. Lower your body down as you circle the disc leg out, around, and behind the support leg. In the lower position, the thigh will be parallel to the floor with the knee behind the toes. Reverse the motion pressing through the support leg foot while circling the disc leg back around to the upright standing position.

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.

Spiderman Crawl

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke works with Alexa & Sean to demonstrate how to do the Spiderman Crawl (PDF) at home.

Equipment – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate or Glide Disc Slider to use on hands and feet

Position – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate, or Glide Disc Slider on 1-foot. Assume a push-up position with equipment under the left foot. Arms straight with hands under shoulders with legs slightly apart.

1-Foot Climb (Knee toward Chest) – Level 1

Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Pull the foot and knee up toward the chest without changing body position. Return leg back to starting position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.

1-Foot Frog Climb (Knee toward same side elbow) – Level 1

Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Pull the foot and knee up toward the elbow without changing body position. Movement should mimic a “frog” leg through the water. Return leg back to starting position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.

1-Foot Scissor (abduct leg out then back to start) – Level 1

Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. While keeping the left leg straight move it away from the body maintaining push-up position. Return leg back to start keeping the foot facing straight down in a neutral foot position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.

1-Foot Circular Frog Climb (counter-clock-wise & clock-wise) – Level 2

Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Pull the foot and knee up toward the elbow. Without changing body position circle your knee under your chest and extend your leg back to start in a counter-clockwise motion. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.

Mt. Climbers – Level 2

Assume a push-up position with the left and right feet flexed and pressed into the equipment. Alternate pulling the foot and knee of each leg up
toward the chest while maintaining a push-up position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive.

1-foot Plank Reach-Thru – Level 3

Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Lifting up toward the chest on the left foot and knee reach under the body and through to the opposite side outside of the right leg. The elbows can bend slightly as the hips and torso rotate to allow the leg to reach through. Rotate body back pulling the leg back through to the starting position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.

Plank 2-foot Circles (clock-wise/counter-clock-wise) – Level 2 & 3

Assume a push-up position with the left and right feet flexed and pressed into one piece of equipment. Pulling up on both feet circle them clock-wise making a circle as big as a softball. To increase difficulty, make the circles larger…volleyball to basketball, to as big as a stability ball. Repeat to the counter-clockwise direction. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive.
Small Circles (Level 2)

Large Circles (Level 3)

Alternating 2-Foot Scissors – Level 2

Movement – plank push-up position with one disc on each foot. While maintaining alignment scissor one leg out to the side keeping the foot in a neutral “toe down” position. Alternate left and right.

2-Foot Scissors – Level 3

Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment with feet in neutral position scissor both legs a part back and forth.

Alternating Frog Climbers – Level 2

Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment alternate pulling each knee to the same side elbow keeping the toes flexed.

2-foot Circular Frogs – Level 3

Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment pull both knees toward your chest and circle them out to both elbows then back down to start. Reverse direction and pull both knees to same side elbows and circle the in toward chest then extend both legs back to start.

2-foot V-Ups – Level 3

Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment lift the hips upward with the legs straight while pulling the hands toward the toes.

Inchworms – Level 3

Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment perform a V-up and then walk forward back into a plank position. Continue forward for the prescribed distance. Reverse directions by performing a “V-up” then slide the feet backward to plank position. Repeat for the prescribed distance.

2-foot Windshield Wipers – Level 4

Movement – plank push-up position with both feet on 1-disc. Lower body down into a 1/2 push-up position. While maintaining alignment slide both legs to the left and then back past start to the right. Move back and forth in a windshield wiper motion for prescribed reps.

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.

Spiderman Arm Crawl

Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke works with Alexa to demonstrate how to do the Spiderman Arm Crawl (PDF) at home.

Equipment – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate or Glide Disc Slider to use on hands

Position – Modified Push-up Position (Hands and Knees) or Push-up Position (Hands and Feet Knees on Pillow, Towel, or Mat Hand(s) on Hand Towel, Plastic Plate, or Glide Disc Slider

Prescription – 2-3 x’s 30-60 sec for each movement

1-Hand Clock Reaches – Level 2

12-11-10-9 O’clock Positions performed with Left Hand
12-1-2-3 O’clock Positions performed with Right Hand
Assume a Modified Push-up position (hands and knees with the left hand on the slider. Image the face of a clock around your body. While maintaining a push-up position reach with the left hand forward to 12 O’clock. The right arm bends, like doing a 1-arm push-up and the chest lowers down toward the ground but stops about 4-6 inches off the floor. Press through the right hand and pull the left arm back under the body. Repeat the motion. You can complete all the repetitions to 12 O’clock on the left arm then move to the right. Repeat this to 11 O’clock with the left then 1 O’clock with the right, then 10 O’clock and 2 O’clock, and finally at 9 O’clock and 3 O’clock. For a greater challenge, the same moments may be performed in a regular push-up

Alternating 1-Hand Clock Reaches – Level 3

12-11-10-9 O’clock Positions performed with Left Hand
12-1-2-3 O’clock Positions performed with Right Hand
Assume a Modified Push-up position (hands and knees with the left hand on one slider and the right hand on another). Image the face of a clock around your body. Instead of reaching with one arm only this time you are going to alternate left and right reaches. Left hand to 12 0’clock followed by the right hand to 12 O’clock. Repeat back and forth for the prescribed duration then rest. Proceed on to alternating between 11 and 1 O’clock for the prescribed duration then rest, then 10 and 2 O’clock, and then finally 9 and 3 O’clock.
Prescription – 2-3 x’s 30-60 sec each paired clock position

2-Hand Fly Push-ups – Level 3

Assume a Modified Push-up position (hands and knees with the left hand on one slider and the right hand on another). While maintaining push-up position move both hands-on sliders apart until they are the width of where you would do a push-up. Stop the movement and lower your chest down toward the floor to approximately 4-6 inches above the floor. Press back up and pull both hands back together to starting position. Repeat motion. For
increased difficulty try motion in a regular push-up position.
Prescripon – 2-3 x’s 30-60 sec

2-Hand Roll-Out – Level 3

Assume a Modified Push-up position (hands and knees with the left hand on one slider and the right hand on another).

1-Hand Seated Side Reach – Level 3

Sit on the floor with the legs bent to your right and split apart in a “tall” sitting position. Place your left hand in the center of a glide disc and place your right palm on the floor in front of your body for support. Slide the disc out to your left side while keeping your left arm straight as you reach. Maintain your posture the entire time. Pull the disc back toward your body bringing your body back up to an upright position. You may use the right hand to assist you. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.