Bellingham Athletic Club

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Bellingham Athletic Club is committed to excellence. We strive to keep up on the very latest in fitness techniques and equipment. Learning to experience the joy of movement, translating that into a lifelong commitment to your health is our ultimate goal.

Bellingham Athletic Club strives…

  • To provide a clean, safe, friendly, and fun athletic facility
  • To treat our members and staff with the utmost respect and care
  • To offer the very latest in training, equipment, and techniques
  • To be an active, concerned, and contributing member of our community by donating our time and talents to various charitable causes

News and Events

Online Classes
Take a class whenever it works for you!

Kinotek Reports

Sign up for a FREE Kinotek body movement assessment with one of our personal trainers!

Located in our upstairs Fitness Area is our 5-piece plate loaded upper body Hammer Strength Circuit. Shoulder Press, Chest Press, DY Row, Row and Pulldown. What’s unique about these pieces are that they what Hammer Strength calls their “Iso-Lateral” pieces. What that means is the movement arms are independent of each other forcing you to … Read more