Bellingham Athletic Club

Activtrax at Home

For those of you who are Activtrax users, I want to remind you that you still have access to your account from home. Too gain access, follow these steps to access your account:

1. Press here to go to ActivTrax website.

2. In the box provided type in your Activtrax username and password.

3. Select which BAC facility you normally use Activtrax in the box provided.

4. When your Activtrax Dashboard appears go to the top of the page and click on the tab entitled Workouts. A workout calendar should appear with your pending and completed workouts listed on the calendar. At the top of the calendar are 3 tabs: Print Pending Workout, Enter Pending Workout, and Exercise Instructions.

5. If you wish to print your Pending Workout or view your Pending Workout click on the tab. If you wish to Enter Pending Workout click on that tab. If you would like to view video instructions of the exercises on your workout click on Exercise Instructions.

6. Many of you use the weight equipment at both clubs which you, unfortunately, do not have access to at this time, but we can reconfigure your workout preference settings if you wish. Just let us know if you would like to do that and we can reset your workout preference to use bodyweight and dumbbells instead of machines for workouts.

7. Remember the added exercise instruction feature that has videos of almost every exercise Activtrax provides.

8. If you have any questions you can email Mike at

By choosing to participate in any online class/exercise, you hereby waive and release all rights and claims for any damage you have against Bellingham Athletic Club and all representatives for all injuries which may be suffered in connection with your participation.