Our Fitness Director, Mike Locke works with Alexa & Sean to demonstrate how to do the Spiderman Crawl (PDF) at home.
Equipment – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate or Glide Disc Slider to use on hands and feet
Position – Hand Towel, Plastic Plate, or Glide Disc Slider on 1-foot. Assume a push-up position with equipment under the left foot. Arms straight with hands under shoulders with legs slightly apart.
1-Foot Climb (Knee toward Chest) – Level 1
Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Pull the foot and knee up toward the chest without changing body position. Return leg back to starting position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.
1-Foot Frog Climb (Knee toward same side elbow) – Level 1
Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Pull the foot and knee up toward the elbow without changing body position. Movement should mimic a “frog” leg through the water. Return leg back to starting position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.
1-Foot Scissor (abduct leg out then back to start) – Level 1
Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. While keeping the left leg straight move it away from the body maintaining push-up position. Return leg back to start keeping the foot facing straight down in a neutral foot position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.
1-Foot Circular Frog Climb (counter-clock-wise & clock-wise) – Level 2
Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Pull the foot and knee up toward the elbow. Without changing body position circle your knee under your chest and extend your leg back to start in a counter-clockwise motion. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.
Mt. Climbers – Level 2
Assume a push-up position with the left and right feet flexed and pressed into the equipment. Alternate pulling the foot and knee of each leg up
toward the chest while maintaining a push-up position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive.
1-foot Plank Reach-Thru – Level 3
Assume a push-up position with the left foot flexed press into the equipment. Lifting up toward the chest on the left foot and knee reach under the body and through to the opposite side outside of the right leg. The elbows can bend slightly as the hips and torso rotate to allow the leg to reach through. Rotate body back pulling the leg back through to the starting position. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive. Repeat on the other leg.
Plank 2-foot Circles (clock-wise/counter-clock-wise) – Level 2 & 3
Assume a push-up position with the left and right feet flexed and pressed into one piece of equipment. Pulling up on both feet circle them clock-wise making a circle as big as a softball. To increase difficulty, make the circles larger…volleyball to basketball, to as big as a stability ball. Repeat to the counter-clockwise direction. The harder you push into the equipment with the foot the more intensity you will receive.
Small Circles (Level 2)
Large Circles (Level 3)
Alternating 2-Foot Scissors – Level 2
Movement – plank push-up position with one disc on each foot. While maintaining alignment scissor one leg out to the side keeping the foot in a neutral “toe down” position. Alternate left and right.
2-Foot Scissors – Level 3
Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment with feet in neutral position scissor both legs a part back and forth.
Alternating Frog Climbers – Level 2
Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment alternate pulling each knee to the same side elbow keeping the toes flexed.
2-foot Circular Frogs – Level 3
Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment pull both knees toward your chest and circle them out to both elbows then back down to start. Reverse direction and pull both knees to same side elbows and circle the in toward chest then extend both legs back to start.
2-foot V-Ups – Level 3
Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment lift the hips upward with the legs straight while pulling the hands toward the toes.
Inchworms – Level 3
Movement – plank push-up position with each foot on a disc. While maintaining alignment perform a V-up and then walk forward back into a plank position. Continue forward for the prescribed distance. Reverse directions by performing a “V-up” then slide the feet backward to plank position. Repeat for the prescribed distance.
2-foot Windshield Wipers – Level 4
Movement – plank push-up position with both feet on 1-disc. Lower body down into a 1/2 push-up position. While maintaining alignment slide both legs to the left and then back past start to the right. Move back and forth in a windshield wiper motion for prescribed reps.
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