Bellingham Athletic Club

Commit 20

It’s 2020! The beginning of a new year. It’s a time in which we assess where we are and where we want to be. A period of resolutions and goals. A time in which our motivation and passion are peaked. A New Year “Life Do-over”! Through this process have we had an honest accounting with ourselves as to how we plan to achieve the success we would like to see in 2020? BAC would like to assist you in making your 2020 the kind of NEW YEAR you hoped for! Our Commit 20 program has been designed to guide, motivate, and commit yourself to success in 2020. Here’s how to get involved!

1. Take the Commit 20 pledge: “20 workouts for the month of January.”

  • Complete and sign the Commit 20 pledge (available at the BAC Front Desk);
  • Update your contact information (email, phone, and mobile phone);
  • Update your medical history; and
  • Place your name on a Commit 20 Star (to be displayed in the Fitness area, Group Ex Studio, Gym, or Pool.

2. BAC Personal Trainer assigned to you.

  • Weekly check-ins with your trainer.

3. 20-minute Workouts

4. 20-minute Personal Training packages for $20/session.
5. Commit 20 Incentives.

  • Drawings for free month’s dues; and
  • Drawings for free 20-minute Personal Training Session.

Don’t let the “fire” of motivation and good intentions “fizzle”! “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”