It’s been a cold February, but hopefully, now we’ve seen the end of the snow. It’s time to get the garden ready for early blooms and a summer of beauty. Here are some quick tips to get your garden growing.
– Check your tools. It’s a good time to clean and sharpen your tools if needed. Store them in an organized and safe place.
– Clean up the garden. Weeds and bugs have been waiting for Spring just as much as you have. Clear them out of the garden now before they have a chance to spread their seeds.
– Get rid of leaves and debris. Rake up Winter’s leftover leaves and mulch.
– Improve the soil. Your dirt will benefit from some added nutrients. If you’re not sure what’s best, reach out to any of our local garden stores for information.
– Prune bushes and shrubs. It’s a good time to cut back new growth before it starts to bloom. If you wait too long, the deer will do it for you.
– Add som e quick and easy color. Once the soil is ready, plant bulbs and perennials to brighten the yard.
– Raise the beds. Bending over while working can wreak havoc on your back and muscles. Consider raised beds this year. You can find them already built, or ready to build kits in local stores.
– Pay it forward. Do you have a neighbor or loved one who isn’t able to tend to their garden this year? They will appreciate the help. (Hint: They might like a raised bed, too).
– Find some help. Whatcom County has a lot of skilled landscapers. Get someone out to help with the heavy stuff or to get rid of everything you just pruned and raked.
– Be mindful. We work hard to stay in shape all year long to stay flexible, strong and healthy. It’s easy to be eager in your clean-up and underestimate your garden’s challenges. Be mindful of your body position when lifting, digging and stretching. Ask a trainer at one of the Clubs for the right ways to lift before you start, or you may be getting similar advice from your chiropractor or physical therapist.
– Take a break. Rome wasn’t built in a day and your garden doesn’t have to get ready in one either. Remember to take regular breaks, drink lots of water and stretch your muscles periodically through the day. Your body will thank you.
March is a great time to enjoy the longer days, a little more sunshine and the Spring colors from the garden. Spending some time cleaning up your garden today will give you months of pleasure during the summer.
Susie Landsem
Aging in Place by Design
Susie is a consultant for Aging in Place. Contact her if you have questions about adding safety and comfort solutions to your home.