Bellingham Athletic Club

BAC to BAC Race

Do you want to race?! Not just any race. Welcome to the first BAC to BAC race. Designed by a United States Marine to test your all around strength, stamina, mental toughness, and camaraderie.

What: You and three teammates will test yourself with spin bikes, kettle bells, pull-ups, TRX, plyometrics and more
When: June 1st, 2013. 10 am staggered start times
Where: Downtown BAC to Cordata BAC
Cost: $20 / $80 per team
***A percentage of profits will go to the Relay for Life.

How My Health Club Changed My Life

We want to know what keeps you going here at BAC. We’re looking for stories about how BAC has changed your life. If you’ve been exercising without inspiration, we are urging you to “Find Your Reason”. This is your chance to spend a little time thinking about what would inspire you to get in the best shape of your life. The contest will conclude December 20th. Please share your stories by emailing them to Member Services then check our website and Facebook page in January to get enthused on your own road to fitness.

Trick Or Treat

Bellingham Athletic Club Jack-O-LanternJoin us this Halloween for a morning of music, dancing, and a visit to each office around the club for some candy!  Our employees cannot wait to see your kiddos dressed up in their costumes! (no weapons please!)

When:  Tuesday, Oct 30 & Wednesday, Oct 31
Time:  9:30 a.m.
Where:  Meridian BAC