Bellingham Athletic Club

June Employee of the Month

Jeri WinterburnWe are so pleased to announce that Jeri Winterburn and her cadre on Online Group Exercise instructors are being honored as our Employees of the Month. They have done an excellent job marshaling their forces to reach out to and inspire our members to stay active.
Tina Schumacher
Jeremy Lemke
Melissa Lemke
Cindy Whitney
Lesley Jones-Steinmetz
Heather Calloway
Patti Douglas

All of these dedicated employees have challenged their comfort zones to “virtually” develop and run their various classes throughout this COVID-19 crisis. Their classes are available live on Facebook as well as cached on our website so members can pull them up and exercise at a time that is convenient. If you haven’t had a chance to experience one of these online classes, check it out by going to this page and/or Facebook page for the information and schedules.

All of these wonderful instructors have full lives and challenges of their own they are dealing with during the pandemic: from being housebound to having kids at home to trying to work their other jobs and homeschooling their children. Yet, they still found time to create new formats to help our BAC family stay fit. Thanks to all who have shown such dedication to our BAC members.