Bellingham Athletic Club

What’s a Kettlebell?

A Kettlebell or in Russian “Girya” (ball or bell with a handle) was used over 350 years ago in Russia, as a certified handled counterweight for dry goods on market scales. Kettlebell lifting is the national sport of Russia with national championships held each year.

In the Russian Military, recruits are required as part of their training to use kettlebells. Kettlebells come in a range of styles/shapes and weights.  They are primarily used for swinging, throwing, juggling, pressing, and holding type exercises.

What’s the difference between Kettlebells?

There are basically two different styles of Kettlebells. In the picture below, you see that the black Kettlebell has a thicker handle and a smaller body whereas the yellow Kettlebell on the right has a smaller handle and a much bigger body.

The yellow Kettlebell is what they call a “Competition” Kettlebell named for its use in Kettlebell Competitions. The thickness of the handle and diameter of the bell are exactly the same in each weight. It allows for a smooth technique adaptation from one weight to the next.

The “Competition” Kettlebell is much easier to swing than its counterpart which makes it a favorite with trainers and lifters alike. At BAC we feature “Competition” Kettlebells as a number of our staff were trained by World Champion and Master of Sports Coach Valery Federenko.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can add Kettlebell training to your workout please speak to one of our BAC trainers.