Bellingham Athletic Club

Summer Weight Training

As we head into summer it is important to stick with our fitness routines, especially weight training. It has become increasingly apparent just how important weight training is to our long-term health. Summer is a great time to take your cardio workout to the great outdoors, but if you drop your weight training over the summer months you will lose ground in your overall strength.

This is particularly critical because during the summer we participate in lots of varied activities, regardless of physical preparedness. Summertime is often filled with weekend warrior syndrome – from waterskiing to softball, hefting heavy coolers to swimming, summer is more than ever a time to continue your weight training workouts.

The goal is to keep doing all those things we love, which does mean continuing your training routines. If we were kids who spend the majority of their days running, climbing, and wrestling their siblings, we wouldn’t have to train, but alas most of us are working or working at being adults, which seems to leave out recess and playtime. So don?t forget to build some time into your summer activities to stay in shape so you can enjoy the whole summer free of injury!

One of the benefits of being a member at BAC is direct access to talented trainers who can assist you in the process of improving your personal fitness, whether hiking, biking, skiing or camping. We have developed some new Outdoor Fitness Programs to help you stay fit and still enjoy the great outdoors! One great example is Jeremy?s bootcamp; they move things outdoors in the summer so come join us on Monday and Wednesday nights for a little extra weight and cardio training. Give us a call and make the time you spend in the club this summer really count!