Bellingham Athletic Club

Your Health Beyond the Gym

May is one of the busiest health observance months I know about. Here are some of the awareness programs that can have an effect on all of us. Most of this information comes from Welcoa, the Wellness Council of America. These are a few of all of the important health awareness events for May. Visit Welcoa for more.

May 6 – 12 is National Nurses Week. If you missed the celebration, its never too late to thank your nurse!

ALS Awareness Month, The ALS Association
Better Sleep Month, Better Sleep Council
Bike Month, The Communications League of American Bicyclists
Healthy Vision Month
High Blood Pressure Education Month, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Lupus Awareness, Lupus Foundation of America
Mental Health Month, Mental Health America –
Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month, The American Academy of Dermatology
American Stroke Association

Regular health, vision and dental check-ups are important. Don’t forget to get yours!

Susie Landsem
Aging in Place by Design