Bellingham Athletic Club

Leg Strength Supports Aging in Place

A key component of staying in your home is based on your overall fitness and health. The daily chores of laundry, groceries and vacuuming require strength and balance. Gardening, washing cars and mowing the lawn take endurance. The better fit you are, the more likely you’ll be able to continue to do the things you love for a long time.

It Starts With the Legs
Healthy legs are what keeps you mobile. The stronger your legs are, the easier it is to do just about everything. Healthy leg muscles makes it easier to do cardio work, from walking to working out on the elliptical machine. Leg strengthening exercises help to build endurance. Strengthening and improving endurance will help you have a healthier heart and overall fitness.

Good balance is essential to safety. Falls are the leading cause of injury for the 65 + group in the USA. Developing your core muscles help improve balance. Increasing your fitness, particularly leg strength and balance, will help prevent falls.

Leg Strength and Brain Health
Studies at the Kings College London have found that leg muscle strength is a significant indicator of a healthy brain. This 10 year study of twins found that the twin who had stronger legs had less age related brain changes than the other. Good fitness promotes mental well being and increases your ability to be independent.

How to Build Leg Muscles
Lunges and squats are some of the most efficient exercises to build leg muscles. Here are some more ideas: Hip extension, Knee Extensions, Calf raises, Ankle circles.
*Check with your doctor before you start any sort of fitness routine

Leg Strength and Overall Health
We all know that physical fitness is essential to a healthy life. Exercise can keep the heart stay healthy, keeps many diseases at bay and is essential to overall well-being. Strength training is important for every part of your body, and the first place to start is with the legs.
Susie Landsem
Aging in Place by Design