Bellingham Athletic Club

Junior Racquetball Lessons

Have you seen all of the kids in the racquetball courts lately? They’re learning the ins-and-outs of
the sport with Wanda Collins! Our Junior Racquetball Lessons are open to Members and Non-members. Sign up at the Cordata front desk today!

Week of November 20 – Week of December 11
4 weeks, 8 lessons
Beginners: Mon/Wed 4:30-5:15PM
Intermediate: Tues/Thurs 4:15-5:00PM
Advanced: Tues/Thurs 5:00-5:45PM
Next lesson series will start the week of January 1, 2018.

All classes taught by BAC Club Pro, Wanda Collins. Wanda has been teaching juniors for over 20 years
and is currently President of the Washington Junior Racquetball Association