Bellingham Athletic Club

Holiday Staying on Track

As we head into the holidays we are often tempted into overindulgence and mindless eating. Here are a few tips to stay on track:

1. Don’t show up hungry! Skipping meals doesn’t save calories – if you sit down ‘starving’ to dinner, you’ll find yourself eating more than necessary.

2. Eat small portions of your favorite indulgence foods?. Use a tablespoon to serve yourself a small portion of something you truly want, but skip the food you don’t absolutely love.

3. If you are not in charge of the meal, bring a healthy side dish. Not only does this put a little less stress on the host and add a healthy option to dinner, it will ensure you have something healthy to eat!

4. Return to your routine after Thanksgiving! If you overindulge in one meal, it does no good to sabotage the entire weekend. Get back into the gym or take a walk and drink some water. The faster you’re able to get back on track, the less chance you’ll have of gaining weight.

Have a fun and healthy holiday season! Remember that group and private nutrition coaching is available here at BAC. Check out the current FUEL session to learn how to fuel your body with the right foods and burn body fat to get lean. Current nutritional science education combined with the accountability you need.

Tina Schumacher, Certified Fitness and P.N.
Nutrition Coach