Bellingham Athletic Club

2014 NW Open Results

Once again we survived the Northwest Open Racquetball Tournament! This year we played host to 146 participants, coming from Montana, Oregon and even Hawaii. It was a busy weekend, but everyone had a lot of fun.

I would like to once again thank all of our local sponsors for helping us put on this awesome event. A HUGE thank you to Don and Carolyn Cummins of Elite Electrical, Tim Goering of Waddell & Reed, The Holz family of Holz Racing Products, Rod Jackson of Industrial Supply Inc., Scott Wheeler of Lithtex NW, & Keith and Lori Turley of Imagine Design Studio! Dean Hendrickson of Resers, Josh Francis of Flax4Life, and Derrick Anderson from Haggen also made huge contributions to our event by donating product for the weekend! This annual event would not be possible without your support!

Listed below are the 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE CONSOLATION (respectively) results for each Event:
Men’s Open – Taylor Knoth Jeff Stark Jimmy Lowe Taylor Disch
Men’s Elite – Jerry Evarts Cheyenne Hayes Chris Cook Rich King
Men’s A – Doug Ross Nadav Dinur Diego Rodriguez Tony Antone
Men’s B – Mike Day James Troutt Tony Antone Nick Birnel
Men’s C – Jerry Bentley Peyton McCreary Jett Guthrie Aaron Vederoff
Men’s D – Micah Miller Nick Rautenberg
Men’s 25+ A/B – Patrick Boyd Mike Day
Men’s 35+ O/E – Brad Jackson Tracy Drury Don Birnel
Men’s 40+ A/B – Doug Ross Kai Coble Al Cuttriss
Men’s 55+ A/B – Ralph Switch Phil Nelson Dave Hammers Larry Oakley
Men’s Open Dbls – J.Hungerford/T.Knoth J.Birnel/J.Stark D.Croom/P.Julbes L.Chavez/B.Jackson
Men’s Elite Dbls – D.Birnel/J.Duryee B.Anderson/B.Alejandre M.Lam/J.Evarts R.Lawson/T.Guthrie
Men’s A Dbls – B.Cumming/D.Morton A.Reakes/P.Callioux D. Hammers/H.Navarette D. Douglas/T.Holcomb
Men’s B Dbls – P.Callioux/R.Switch T.Antone/M.Day L.Jenne/S.Mauricio S.Wharton/W.Jones
Men’s C Dbls – C.Hitz/J.Guthrie D.Butler/R.Jackson
Mix Open Dbls – H.Scott/J.Birnel P.Reuther/P.Julbes C.Hayes/J.Stark J.Buntjer/B.Johhnson
Mix Elite Dbls – L.Turley/J.Duryee J.Spalding/N.Judd P.Reuther/P.Morse R.Birnel/N.Birnel
Mix A Dbls – D.Morton/W.Brumsickle J.Scott/K.Jaskolka
Mix BC Dbls – K.Hoekema/K.Swanson R.McInturff/A.Barasa K.Francis/J.Francis M.Blok/L.Jenne
W.BC Dbls – K.Hoekema/S.Chandler L.Ash/R.McInturff
W. B – Leah DeVries Karissa Francis Lisa Ash
W. C/D – Cheryl Redford Amy Butler Rhonda McInturff Alice Birnbaum