Bellingham Athletic Club

Adventure Zone Summer Camp

Come join us for a week of fun in the sun as we provide exciting and engaging activities for children ages 6-10! Our programs will cover a variety of activities from educational workshops focusing on teamwork, sports related games, science experiments, leadership skits, and scavenger hunts, to guest appearances by local athletes from the Bell’s Baseball team! We will also skip on over to Park Bowl, make trips to various parks around the Bellingham area and if the weather permits us we will end the week at the Birch Bay Waterslides! Children need to bring lunch Monday-Thursday along with an extra change of clothes. Sign up begins May 5th, 2014 and can be taken care of at the Cordata front desk. 

A $50 deposit is required at the time of sign up and there will be no refunds after July 7th.

When: July 14th-18th
Where: BAC Cordata
Ages: 6-10
Time: 9:30am-4:00pm
Last day to register – July 9th
No Refunds after July 7th!
Cost: $165 Members — $195 Non Member